
The adventures of a fifty-something into the world of crafting!

Thursday 14 April 2011

Possibility of a table at a Farmers' Market in Sydney..

I have had some of my items listed on Kijiji, the free site, without any sales. But today I got a response from a lady that manages a Farmers' Market, so this is a possibility for me to try and sell some of my stock, as she said that there is no one else selling these kind of things.. which is good news for me. 

I am home from having the abdominal CT Scan, which is usually twice a year. This is a follow-up to my Kidney Cancer - two years last October.  My own Doctor is closed on a Friday, so I will have to wait until next Monday to hear what the report states.  Contacting my own Doctor is just me not wanting to wait until I go to see the consultant early next month.  By getting the result, I don't have to worry about it for that much longer. 

So now I have to keep busy for four days, to avoid focusing on the waiting..

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