
The adventures of a fifty-something into the world of crafting!

Thursday 4 October 2012

My day at the Farmer's Market today!!!

I had booked a table today at the last Farmer's Market of the season, to see if all these things I make because I like them, means anyone else likes them enough to buy them.

And I came away with more money than I arrived with, and a suitcase full of compliments.

I am planning on now going to an October Festival in the town in a few weeks time, with a few people from today coming especially to buy something from me.

So I feel happy and confident that what I have been creating has been worthwhile, and that they are not only things that I love, but things that others love as well.

Some items I have created over the intermission in my Blog!

Here are a few photos of things I have created in the time while I both neglected my crafts and my blogging.

This is a knitted skirt with a crocheted somewhat lacey edge, with a matching lacey scarf that is crocheted.  It is made with chunky yarn, that is pretty soft, and the scarf is set off with a lovely penanular broach.

I have become a shawl person, and here is a blue cottonish yarn.. and fortunately I have become more adept at wearing it than in this photo.

This little neck shawl, of which is a DROPS design. They are knitted with a lovely crocheted edging.

This next shawl I made from a scrummy stretchy yarn.. so spring like.. and this photo was more to show the pattern than the wearing of it. 

Wednesday 3 October 2012

I am back to my Crafting and my Blog!

A lot has happened since I last posted.  I was working a night shift at a call center for about six months, which was how would you say brutal to say the least.  

I am now again unemployed, but have been back working on my crafts, and my latest piece have been a foray into Boot Toppers. 

This style can be worn flat showing the cables above the top of the boot, or can also be work with the cable over lapping / turned down over the top edge of the boot.

This is a closeup shot of the cable pattern.

This last one is a pattern with a tab and button, which will give the top of the Boot Topper additional interest.

Thanks for dropping by.