
The adventures of a fifty-something into the world of crafting!

Saturday 2 April 2011

Collecting Baby Chicks today..

Today we are collecting two dozen chicks, half are three weeks old, and the rest only a week old.  They are a hardy breed known as Buff Orpingtons, look like you expect chickens to look. This is a picture of the ones from last year:

Since my husband tends to do the driving when we travel together, I am just pondering what I will take with me to make on the journey. A dear friend of mine never goes on a car journey anywhere without a project, often it is socks, something she doesn't have to think about. (For your information I find even the thought of socks a challenge, maybe one day.) I have taken that concept and made it my own, I always take something with me to keep busy on these journeys when I don't have to do the driving.  Today, I may well begin another set of nesting bowls, but plan to take my french knitter, have become quite hooked on it of late. I will let you know!

With preparation for the arrival of the baby chickens, I did not achieve much yesterday, but here is a little square box I made earlier with leftover cotton baby yarn:

Oh and I almost forgot to tell you, another storm blew through here yesterday, and here we are all white on the ground again, will this winter ever end..

Fortunately, this was earlier this winter, and we were lucky that we only have a powdering of snow last night.

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