
The adventures of a fifty-something into the world of crafting!

Monday 11 April 2011

I have been negligent!

I realise that if I have followers to my new blog, that I will not keep them if I neglect them for days at a time as I have done this past week.

I do have somewhat of a reason, I have had difficulty uploading photos from my camera, and am still struggling with that, so no new photos today.

French Knitting is what has been keeping me occupied craft wise, have made many friendship bands, bracelets, and more Celtic Knotwork Necklaces.

The new chicks, of which we have lost two, possibly due to dehydration, or the temperature, the remainder are doing well: I built them an extension to the brooder, and gave them access to it today. They all ventured in there, and the older ones were testing their wings. The crucial thing here is to ensure they are back under the lamp to sleep. I  have a new digital wireless thermometer, so I can be vigilant of the temperature at all times. Even at night now, I have the monitor on my bedside table, so I can check it when I wake. If it is too low, then I can go to the study / brooder room to adjust the height of the lamp.  Not being a mother, I can imagine all this waking during the night is like having a new baby in the house.

I am hoping to get an evening out this evening with the Red Hatters, haven't been out with the ladies for a very long time. Attaching a photo of me in my favourite hat:

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