
The adventures of a fifty-something into the world of crafting!

Sunday 3 April 2011

The New Additions!

As suspected it took two hours each way to collect the new chicks. About seven are three weeks old, and three are three days old, and the rest are a week old.. but they all look so tiny and fragile.  The are now ensconsed in the brooder in the study, having had their beaks dipped in water, so lots of cheeping going on up there. It is the room above our lounge, which has a vent up to that room, so we can hear them from downstairs.. which is lovely to my ears, makes me smile.

So what did I take to do on the journey.. I completed another wine bottle carrier before leaving home, made a few friendship bands..  and started french knitting a piece to make a celtic knotwork necklace.. but then the scenery brought that all to a stop.. so you will have to wait for a photo of that necklace. Here are photos of the preassembled knecklace and the frenchship bands:

This is not a how to type blog, but here is a photo of a french knitting piece on two pegs in progress:

And click here to a link on how to use a spool knitter, and click here on how to use the spool knitter using only two pegs.

We headed off the main highway, I was in unknown territory, I simply devoured the scenery, the lovely little villages.. A place called Westville had so many interesting properties.. so nice to go somewhere new... as we drove on we actually passed a huge property that was painted black.. really caught your eye, but I don't think I will be painting our property black anytime soon. I didn't take my camera with us, so can't show you that.

And a Happy Mother's day to my Mum in Wales, who will be 87 this coming May.

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