
The adventures of a fifty-something into the world of crafting!

Friday 1 April 2011

Happy April Fool's Day!

Yesterday I worked on a wine bottle carrier, not the first I have made, but this was in different colors to previously. 

So what else have I been creating these past months? I moved on to square boxes, and then also made smaller round bowls with lids. A friend subsequently suggested that I make a bowl that much bigger to create a Cat's bed. Here are a few photos:

 ... and as you can see it was used right away.. but I have discovered since that the almost 100% wool is not rigid enough.. and have made a few out of Acrylic yarn as well... 
and they are certainly more rigid, and perfect for a cat to curl up and sleep in. 

Well I better get working, sitting writing does not get things finished.

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