
The adventures of a fifty-something into the world of crafting!

Wednesday 3 August 2011

I am now Employed!

As of yesterday, I am now ranked among the Employed. I had Orientation yesterday, and will be starting two weeks of training today.  Can't really say much about it, other than it is in a Call Center, and everything else is confidential. My understanding is that we will have two weeks training, and then a week doing the job, then back into training for another week, and then back into the job.

The location is the same one as I got laid off from over nine months ago, so it was wonderful to see all the familiar faces, and everyone was glad to be back together again.

My husband just had to listen to me last evening, about how my day had gone, so there was no crafting going on in sight.  My hope is that once we are through the training phase, and I am on some sort of routine, that I will be able to continue with making things, which I will show you.

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