
The adventures of a fifty-something into the world of crafting!

Sunday 7 August 2011

Grey Matter is fighting back!!!

I have always has the theory that when you are learning new things, that something has got to give - space is limited. When you force new information in, other random information is pushed out. 

This week I find my mind is fighting back, and telling me they don't want to lose the information it already has, and saying I am not accepting this new stuff!

We have had online tests on work we have not covered, as a way to get us to familiarise ourselves with the website where we find all the answers we will need. This involves also trying to understand what we are reading, and from that working out the answers. We need to get 80%, but at least we can keep trying to get there.

The time in between these tests has been great, our trainer has a great way about her, and makes it fun. We also have activities within our teams, which means we get to know our colleagues better as we go along. 

We seem to have the tests in the last hour of the day, and by then your mind is saying enough already, so for me Friday ended on a stressful note.  We will be covering this work later once we have done the tests, with the logic that we will already be somewhat familiar with the information.  My Grey Matter is not seeing that logic right now.

I have found myself quite exhausted every evening, mostly mental, but the body is saying I have to switch off and sleep now. 

We have had a relaxing weekend for the most part, we did see some sunshine yesterday, so the grass got cut. We really did not get a summer this year, and here we are in August and it is not happening. 

I have calmed down from the stressful state of Friday evening, and hoping I can keep that up for next week, and get through the tests without panicking, so I can complete them.

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