
The adventures of a fifty-something into the world of crafting!

Thursday 31 March 2011

So what is this blog about?

The idea of a blog came from watching the movie 'Julie & Julia'. Julie plans to cook all the recipies in Julia's book during the course of a year, and writes a blog of her progress while doing so.

It suddenly struck me that I could also write a blog about my progress with my projects, and tell you a something of what else is going on in my life too.  

I have been crocheting & knitting now for quite a few months.  After losing my job, I worked on my tarot skills, walking for exercise, and practicing my saxophone playing.  But with no money coming in, I had to consider what I could do to change that.

I started looking for patterns... and so it began first with a set of nesting bowls. I was always considering what might interest customers, rather than what I would like myself. Come back and see what other items I have made, and continue to make.

So the blog is to generate interest in my work, but also to give me a focus on my own progress. 

On a side note, the movie that was the inspiration, showed two women learning to cook, and during my time at home, I too have been learning to cook!